Comment by __loam

Comment by __loam 4 days ago

3 replies

> We have mathematically proven that transformers can solve any problem

We should require that you've passed an algorithms and a thermodynamics class before you can post.

nopinsight 4 days ago

To be clear I think the tweet is a bit exaggerated (and the word ‘performance’ there doesn’t take into account efficiency, for example) but I don’t have the time to read the full paper (just skimmed the abstract and conclusion). I quoted the tweet by an author for people to discuss since it’s still a fairly remarkable result.

bonoboTP 3 days ago

This is an accepted ICLR paper by authors from Stanford, Toyota and Google. That's not a guarantee for anything, of course, but they likely know basic algorithms and the second law. You can certainly argue against their claims, but you need to put in the legwork.

  • __loam 3 days ago

    I don't think I should need to argue with the absurd claim that these can solve any problem.