Comment by krackers

Comment by krackers 4 days ago

3 replies

I think you're misrepresenting the study. It builds upon previous work that examines the computation power of the transformer architecture from a circuit-complexity perspective. Previous work showed that the class of problems that a "naive" Transformer architecture could compute was within TC0 [1, 2] and as a consequence it was fundamentally impossible for transformers to solve certain classes of mathematical problems. This study actually provides a more realistic bound of AC0 (by analyzing the finite-precision case) which rules out even more problems, including such 'simple' ones as modular parity.

We also had previous work that hinted that part of the reason why chain-of-thought works from a theoretical perspective is that it literally allows the model to perform types of computations it could not under the more limited setting (in the same way jumping from FSMs to pushdown automata allows you to solve new types of problems) [3].

[1] [2] [3]

shawntan 4 days ago

Generally, literature on the computational power of the SAME neural architecture can differ on their conclusions based on their premises. Assuming finite precision will give a more restrictive result, and assuming arbitrary precision can give you Turing completeness.

From a quick skim this seems like it's making finite precision assumptions? Which doesn't actually tighten previous bounds, it just makes different starting assumptions.

Am author of [1].

  • krackers 4 days ago

    Ah my bad, great catch! I've updated my comment accordingly.

    • shawntan 4 days ago

      You can't really be blamed though, the language in the paper does seem to state what you originally said. Might be a matter of taste but I don't think it's quite accurate.

      The prior work they referenced actually did account for finite precision cases and why they didn't think it was useful to prove the result with those premises.

      In this work they simply argued from their own perspective why finite precision made more sense.

      The whole sub-field is kinda messy and I get quoted differing results all the time.

      Edit: Also, your original point stands, obviously. Sorry for nitpicking on your post, but I also just thought people should know more about the nuances of this stuff.