Comment by toomuchtodo

Comment by toomuchtodo 4 days ago

2 replies

They received a substantial settlement under threat of litigation. Unemployment would’ve been received regardless.

Never trust HN for legal advice. Not an attorney, not your attorney. I highly recommend engaging an attorney, both prior to and during acceptance of an offer, and when separated from an org. If you don’t, you’ve already lost, and I write these comments so others don’t lose.

cortesoft 3 days ago

Were they part of a protected class? Otherwise, what protection did they have that would get them a settlement for being fired?

  • toomuchtodo 3 days ago

    Constructive dismissal. Not a protected class. Caucasian, male, under 40.

    The job was offered, in writing, remote; rto was a material change to the agreed upon working arrangement. While labor rights and protections in the US are flimsy, they do exist.