Comment by mattgreenrocks

Comment by mattgreenrocks 4 days ago

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I feel this in my bones.

It becomes apparent as you move higher up the IC ladder that technical work becomes slightly taboo. And it is precisely because of the attitude that the actual work is something for line employees, not them. This belief is passed down not overtly, but through gentle nudges: "you could fix that in 15 minutes, but is that really maximizing your impact?" Or the ever-present, "but how does this improve your promo packet?"

It all feels like a giant psyop on staff engs to constantly gaslight themselves into immolating themselves to the god of Impact. Little wonder they exhibit much higher rates of burnout: they're told to be responsible for things without the full range of authority.

I was $TOO_OLD when I learned that most of the actual coding on Google's systems was done by L4/L5's.