epiccoleman 11 hours ago

That was absolutely awesome!

I haven't done one for a while but I used to really enjoy giving "lightning talks" (which was the same idea, a 5 minute talk about just about anything). The thing that was so fun about them was that it really was a performance more than just a talk - to do a good one required a lot of thought and planning for how you were going to get your point across in 5 minutes. And the nice thing was that rehearsing the talk only took 5 minutes, so you could really practice it a lot and get it nailed down.

I gave a few conference talks too, usually an hour long slot - and those were fun in their own way - but geez, rehearsing it more than once or twice was just too much time.

hollow-moe 13 hours ago

> OBS which is an exciting expetimental software "experimental" as in you can make experiments with it or as in it's recent and unstable ?

  • antimemetics 13 hours ago

    I think he means the former - OBS is maybe not „professional“ but in my experience it has excellent quality and can match most professional solutions

    • dylan604 12 hours ago

      To me, the thing that makes it not professional is in software only use without hardware control devices. Once you put a control device to operate it, I don't see it any less professional than so call professional offerings. That is altogether a comment on the usage of not the software itself. Sure, it might be clunky in comparison to other options, but that's a pre-production problem and I've actually seen worse--I've used Chyrons in the bad old days of SD interlacing.

[removed] 13 hours ago