Comment by Narishma

Comment by Narishma 4 days ago

3 replies

The PS5 is definitely not dead, it's their main console. The Pro is a niche machine targeted at wealthy enthusiasts. It will only do a fraction of the regular PS5 sales numbers.

j_maffe 4 days ago

I think GP means dead as in there'll be no more design efforts targeted at it.

  • MBCook 4 days ago

    Right. It will live on. I love it, plan to buy a Pro.

    But for their hardware engineers they’re likely done and moved on.

    • pjmlp 3 days ago

      It will be like the PS4 Pro, something to capitalise on hardcore customers and that is it.

      However, most games nowadays can't even take full advantage of PS 5 and XBox Series X, so it is quite questionable what they will do with next generation.

      Switch might be oldie hardware, however it clearly shows how well a console can sell when more attention is given to gameplay than polygons per second.