Comment by kaibee

Comment by kaibee 3 days ago

4 replies

Just some quick notes: Lines should be customizable for what sound is played: ie being able to make drum beats would be neat. And a silent-line should be an option too.

A line that toggles on/off when a ball passes through it or collides with it would also be fantastic.

Also a trampoline line/shock absorber line(s).

The default/starting line should be a diagonal too, since it makes it more clear what is happening and you don't get that decaying bouncing thing.

very cool idea

franze 3 days ago

I just changed the default starting line to diagonal

the other ones are good ideas, the hard part is to push it all in to an already pretty space limited mobile UX

hmmm.... maybe if i push the colored dots at the bottom to the side and then add a dropdown for line there ... or next to the erased / draw button

i could make the erase draw button a dropdown for line types, though ...

franze 3 days ago

Toggle line added, please reload. Thx for the feedback. will think about other lines as well.

  • bofh23 2 days ago

    Wow, thanks for making this! I’m having lots of fun playing with it.

    A quibble: Choosing between Draw|Erase|Toggle is awkward on mobile (Safari on iPhone). The old toggle between Draw|Erase was quick but the new pulldown list widget is in the upper left while the choices always pop open at the bottom of the screen.

    Perhaps move the pulldown list to the bottom on mobile or make it two toggle buttons (Mode: Draw|Erase, Line type: Bounce|Toggle)?

    Some enhancement ideas:

    Add a mark where the dots drop from and perhaps a faint line to show the drop path.

    Add an edit mode so existing lines could be selected then either erased, moved, lengthened, shortened, or have their type changed between Bounce|Toggle. Going further allow a point to be selected and move it or rotate a line around it.

  • tacass 3 days ago

    Probably hard but would be cool to tune the lengths (and angles and positions). Maybe an Adjust mode in the menu.