Comment by varispeed

Comment by varispeed 4 days ago

4 replies

My friend's job pays him enough he could lease his own office near where he lives. He has all the "toys" he needs, space for his own research and he doesn't have to waste time to commute.

My view is that offices were a thing because there was no technology to do otherwise and back then equipment was too large / expensive to be kept at employee's place.

Now only reason to go to office is to artificially maintain property value so landlords don't lose money.

Often the owners also have shares in the business and influence this return to office aka sustain my property portfolio nonsense

deepspace 3 days ago

> Now only reason to go to office is to artificially maintain property value so landlords don't lose money.

Bingo! Many companies are invested in real estate, and having the ticking time bomb of empty offices vs unsustainable office rent finally implode would be bad financially. Hence, the push everywhere to return to the office.

The benefits of being in a physical office disappeared 20 years ago. COVID accelerated the formation of globally distributed teams. To now go back to commuting 2-3 hours a day, just to do your Zoom calls from and office desk, is insanity.

tbrownaw 3 days ago

> Now only reason to go to office is to artificially maintain property value so landlords don't lose money.

My boss goes in to the office even on non-office days.

If I still lived in an apartment - ie, no separate room at the house to use as an office - I'd probably go in most days as well.

  • vidarh 3 days ago

    My "office" is a converted deep (e.g. bedroom) cabinet, with a sliding keyboard tray and some shelves sawed out. My chair rolls in and fits within it, so the whole thing can be closed off when not in use. And that's because I want a large fixed screen. I think as people stay WFH, people will find ways of packing office spaces into smaller spaces. But people will also take advantage and move further out to get more space.

  • varispeed 3 days ago

    I know of some start ups where employees got paid local co-working spaces, so they can go to any nearby where they live if they don't have space at home or don't want to work at home, but don't want to commute. There are solutions in between.