Comment by dboreham

Comment by dboreham 4 days ago

2 replies

Amazon has been a known "do not work there" employer for a very long time. At least since 2008 in my recollection.

Yes there are people here who consistently post on Amazon threads that they enjoy working there. I even know a couple such people personally. But it's always with the disclaimer "you need to be in a good team". OK but is there a field in the offer letter that denotes "Good_team: TRUE". Nope.

So you can like the idea of competing in "The Hunger Games" while trying to write and fix code. Or not..

Root_Denied 2 days ago

They pay too well to say no if you don't have any other competing offers. For some roles they pay too well even with competing offers. It's literally life changing money for a lot of people.

I'm just about to hit 2 years and was planning to leave anyway around that point, which is typical, but now there's going to be a sudden increase in the competition for remote jobs that I wasn't anticipating.