Comment by politician

Comment by politician 4 days ago

3 replies

This isn't about pettiness. Amazon has a significant investment in commercial real estate in downtown Seattle. The foot traffic supports a thriving ecosystem of shops, restaurants, and housing. When the employees aren't coming to the these buildings, that extended non-Amazon environment withers and impacts city politics.

Amazon employees must return to the office because otherwise downtown Seattle decays even further.

fnordpiglet 4 days ago

On the other than people working at home frequent their neighborhood businesses more leading to broader economic activity. Downtown can take care of itself and can become relevant for a better reason than people are forced against their will to be there. I shed no tears over this - cities evolve over time as we as humans change in structural ways. It’s time to move on.

oblio 4 days ago

This can happen regardless, it's worse than Detroit, which ar least had 3 big companies supporting it.

Seattle needs to hedge.

  • fnordpiglet 4 days ago

    Downtown did just fine before Amazon too. And they need to realize Amazon has no loyalty to downtown seattle and depending on them alone is stone cold dumb. See Detroit.