Comment by wrycoder

Comment by wrycoder 4 days ago

4 replies

Well, you put on your furs and go hunting. Tracking is easier in the snow. Or you stay in your shelter and eat some jerky. And, I'm not being glib - life was simple and you did what I said.

seadan83 3 days ago

Okay, and when your feisty neighbors take all your jerky and have hunted all the animals that are not in hibernating - then what?

While "simple", that does not equate to abundant nor easy. Or, would you agree that there was plenty of abundance even during northern winters?

If there was such abundance, and things were as simple as hunting every now and then- why so many famines in history [1]? Surely any cause of famine could be remediated by going out and doing a little more hunting?


  • antimemetics 3 days ago

    Simple doesn’t mean it’s easy or without risk

    • seadan83 3 days ago

      Indeed. I really would want my questions answered.

      I believe noting that simple is not easy was my point already: "While "simple", that does not equate to abundant nor easy"

      Which goes to my other point - getting food on your own is hard. Doing so in the winter is even more difficult. Hence, calorie deficits was a serious problem for many.

      • wrycoder 3 days ago

        No argument - simple doesn’t mean easy. When the food runs out, only the the most fit (or ruthless) survive.