Comment by virtualr

Comment by virtualr 3 days ago

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ACE 5, I'm mid 30s now, standard bad stuff, parents died years ago.

I stay somewhat mentaly healthy by being relentlessly busy. I don't give much weight to accomplishment, fear of being in a situation of poverty or vulnerability again drives me. I have some underlying mental issues, busyness helps keep them at bay and the sadness and pain has faded over time. At low points I try and remember it comes in waves.

I have a wonderful wife and young child, they are my satisfaction and I feel lucky every day. I don't expect to live long past 60 due to medical and historic reasons, so I intend to stay busy for the next ~25 years, do my best by them and try and leave a net positive on the world.

Didn't know this existed, thank you for posting, reading these has been an eye opener.