Comment by MBCook

Comment by MBCook 4 days ago

1 reply

> It bothers me and makes it difficult to take the article seriously.

But if you’re in the chip game AI is the big thing of the last 10 years. It’s driven a huge chunk of new sales and demand for upgraded choices than they likely would have seen otherwise.

Having missed out on AI in many ways (nVidia was perfectly positioned, AMD better than Intel) they need stuff to keep growing.

Their current business is looking shakier than any time in recent history. ARM is getting pretty realistic on the desktop. Apple proved it and now Samsung and Qualcomm have parts for Windows users that perform well enough (compared to the failure of early ARM on Windows).

They’re behind on selling silicon for AI to business and it’s not clear consumers care enough to upgrade their PCs. And when consumers upgrade they have not only great options from AMD, doing better than ever, but the ARM threat.

They’re being squeezed on all sides. The PS6 wouldn’t make them dominant but it would have been a very steady and reliable revenue stream for years and a chance at parlaying that into additional business. “See what we did for Sony? We can do that for you.”

The article seemed rather well done to me. I think you’re being too dismissive in this case.

mastazi 3 days ago

> But if you’re in the chip game AI is the big thing of the last 10 years.

IMHO, AMD having done well despite being woefully unprepared for the recent AI wave suggests that AI is not the only big thing

(edit: grammar)