Comment by op00to

Comment by op00to 4 days ago

3 replies

I am not looking forward to the influx of ex-Amazon folks in the industry at large. The ones I have worked with have been difficult to work with, having no interest in opinions outside of their own.

monkaiju 4 days ago

I had exactly this experience at a previous job. I hadn't seen anyone with such confidence. Even worse he was a self-described 'devops' guy that would tell you he wasn't a 'good coder' but would then strong arm the entire dev team on architecture decisions.

I think about it regularly and while I've seen a lot of overconfident phonies, none of them stuck out quite as much as he did...

dudul 4 days ago

I never hire any former Amazon or Facebook. I've worked with some when I was an IC, I even hired a few before I knew better. Never had a positive experience.

  • op00to 4 days ago

    Ex googlers seemed much easier to work with. But Amazon - yeesh.