Comment by HarHarVeryFunny

Comment by HarHarVeryFunny 4 days ago

2 replies

> this is almost right but "layoffs" is the wrong word

Well, it's not quite the same as the forced relocation to Alaska, but if you're taking away a hugely popular perk and forcing people back to spending a couple of hours a day commuting, then you have to realize you are going to lose people, even if you rationalize it as a loyalty or team spirit test.

Things like this have a tendency to backfire though ... the people who will chose to quit will be the ones who can most easily get new jobs - the best people. The ones who are unhappy but less able to move will just RTO as pissed off employees.

hnthrowaway6543 4 days ago

No, layoffs is still the wrong word. If I'm a 100 person company and I lay off 50 employees, I'm now a 50 person company. If I'm a 100 person company and I institute an RTO mandate and 50 people leave, I replace those people with 50 other people and I'm still a 100 person company.

> Things like this have a tendency to backfire though ... the people who will chose to quit will be the ones who can most easily get new jobs - the best people. The ones who are unhappy but less able to move will just RTO as pissed off employees.

There are lots of reasons good people quit. Good people are not universally against RTO. Many are. But many other good people stuck around at Amazon even after the mandated 3 days per week in office, and many good people will stick around with 5 days per week.

  • endtime 4 days ago

    > > the people who will chose to quit will be the ones who can most easily get new jobs - the best people. > > There are lots of reasons good people quit. Good people are not universally against RTO. Many are. But many other good people stuck around at Amazon even after the mandated 3 days per week in office, and many good people will stick around with 5 days per week.

    You are mixing up "quit -> best" and "best -> quit".