Comment by xenihn

Comment by xenihn 4 days ago

1 reply

>This one's a silly conspiracy theory, most executives don't have heavy investments in commercial real estate, at least not directly... residential has been so much more profitable for decades now

What you're replying to doesn't specify commercial.

If you know any executives, you know they own multiple homes. You can connect the dots here between a rise in real-estate prices in tech hubs and RTO directives.

Plus this isn't even about individual executive investments. It is about corporate investments, and duty to shareholders.

hnthrowaway6543 4 days ago

> If you know any executives, you know they own multiple homes. You can connect the dots here between a rise in real-estate prices in tech hubs and RTO directives.

I don't understand how the massive rise in residential real estate prices from 2020 to 2022 shows any dots between RTO and home prices being connected.