Comment by hughesjj

Comment by hughesjj 4 days ago

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From the same website, other FAANG offers more. For quite some time while I was there, my peers with the same industry experience were earning 50-100% more than myself at Google and Meta.

Also keep in mind Amazon is headquartered in Seattle, which is far from a cheap area, and of the 5 submitters to for sde3 Seattle new hires in the last 6 months, the range is 250k-425k.

Take into account that an L6 who started from L4 normally has the scope and competence of a Staff engineer at Google, it makes sense to me.

If all you wanted was money, you could do even better by going into finance or OpenAI and work your life away until you can't anymore. It's just not sustainable for most people long term, no matter what the pay is, which itself is less than many contemporaries in the same "class".