Comment by IshKebab

Comment by IshKebab 4 days ago

1 reply

> It's harder to catch [remote workers]

Yeah... that feels like it should be true - obviously they're harder to monitor because you can't see them! - but I think if you really think about it it isn't.

I think the number of people actually working more than one job is very small. So you're really talking about people slacking off, and that's just as easy to do in the office. Unless your boss is literally next to you anyway.

I used to read Reddit all the time at work.

DSMan195276 4 days ago

Absolutely, it's a silly argument. I knew plenty of people who slaked off in-person, most managers aren't literally standing behind you watching your screen. It's IMO a bad metric anyway, I'll read Reddit, HN, watch Youtube, etc. when I'm "supposed" to be working because I need to take a break, and I get more than enough done and work enough hours that it doesn't impact my work.

The things you can't hide are having no meaningful update for stand-up every day, not completing any cards, not participate in conversations/planning, etc. If's that not catching up to them then that's on management for not paying attention.