Comment by Animats

Comment by Animats 4 days ago

7 replies

That's a strange machine. It's too bad so little is known about how it attached to the rest of the radar system. It's clearly a special purpose machine, one with manually programmed ROMs, built to do a very specific task. But what? Did it beam-steer the radar? Process the returns? The special-purpose I/O gear that must have been present is gone. The console is clearly just a programming and debug console, not something for seeing what the radar was seeing.

The US's main over the horizon radar of that era was Cobra Mist.[1] It never really worked well. Too much interference, supposedly. Trying to bounce radar off the ionosphere is inherently iffy. The US instead deployed line of sight radar chains, such as BMEWS. This required sites strung across northern Canada, but worked.

More modern over the horizon radars do work, but have much more compute power behind them.


topspin 4 days ago

> More modern over the horizon radars do work, but have much more compute power behind them.

Yes, and it also requires exotic clocks.

A few years ago, a story appeared about the Australian JORN over-the-horizon radar system. The University of Adelaide developed a highly precise cryogenic sapphire oscillator with jitter measured in attoseconds. The oscillator enhances radar performance by improving measurements of Doppler phase shift. They claim this oscillator is the highest precision clock yet created.

Despite all the downsides of OTH radar, it's still under active development and in the field.

sixthDot 4 days ago

> So little is known

That's also why there's even a conspiracy theory about the Duga. It obviously hasn't been proved but the idea is that the Chernobyl reactor accident would be a U.S sabotage targeting the Duga.

  • H8crilA 3 days ago

    Chernobyl blew up because of intense operator stupidity. Also it did not stop producing power, the last reactor was used till 2000.

    • sixthDot 3 days ago

      I know. Everybody knows. There was a test. During this test they managed to highlight a serious design flaw ;) It's clear, it's documented.

      What I say is that eventually a marginal frame of people dont believe that fact and instead prefer to believe something wrong ;)

      For instance: "chernobyl accident was meant to impeach the Duga to ever work".

  • kurthr 4 days ago

    With the goal of spreading radioactive fallout over Poland, Germany, France, and Italy?

    I mean, it's not like the worlds most diabolical intelligence service would have access to a weather report. Unless, the real was to elect Greens in those countries so that they would decommission nuclear power and need to build a natural gas pipeline from Russia! What better way to serve the long term foreign policy goals?

    • sixthDot 3 days ago

      yeah that looks stupid. I just said that this theory exists. It's related to the fact that "we dont know what the Luga was for". As often, when people dont know exactly, they imagine things. That's all. I'm amused ;)

  • [removed] 4 days ago