Comment by forty

Comment by forty 4 days ago

5 replies

Interesting. The word "racisme" in French has also yet another meaning: the word "race" (identical spelling in French) cannot be used for human beings in French (works for cows and dogs) as "racime" is defined by the belief that there are several human "races" (which is scientifically wrong). The word race as used in English is translated by something like "ethnical group" for example.

However, the comment I originally reacted to would be definitely qualified as being "raciste" by most French speakers (and be illegal in France)

dasudasu 4 days ago

The word definitely is completely idiomatic with regard to humans in French. Look up any dictionary definition. And there’s no law making it illegal in France. Besides, even if it had such a law, the French state doesn’t have a monopoly on the French language. It’s an official language in 29 countries.

  • forty 2 days ago

    Well, try to use the world "race" for human in France at least yes (sorry I'm talking about what I know of, I don't know for other French speaking countries), and you will see the reactions (maybe not as outraged than if you used the N word in the US, but something like that).

    As for the legal part, calling all people of a given origin "bad managers" is definitely illegal here in France (once again, speaking only about what I know of)

booleandilemma 4 days ago

English and America make the distinction between race and ethnic group.

  • forty 2 days ago

    Well I definitely have seen race used for humans in English, where ethnic group would have been correct as their is only one human race, which is why I believe the distinction is more blurry in English

  • [removed] 4 days ago