Comment by SahAssar

Comment by SahAssar 3 days ago

3 replies

Right, I usually prefer to use the built in console methods with some currying when needed so I might not be the audience. This has worked well enough even for "enterprise" use-cases.

If I may give one suggestion maybe drop the dependency on 'vuepress-plugin-search-pro' (48MB) and maybe 'date-fns' (23MB), that seems like some really large dependencies that might not be required.

ajstacy06 3 days ago

First of all, if that's all you need then by all means, keep doing that. If you need any of the following, maybe consider a library:

- First-class TypeScript support (not bolted-on)

- Wraps and extends the entire standard API

- A convenient chainable API

- Log Listeners for capturing log data

- Middleware support for plugins and transporting logs

- Log annotations such as namespaces, labels, and other meta data

- Four formats supported out of the box:

  - Pretty - Human readable logs that are easy on the eyes
  - JSON - Machine readable logs that are compatible with the Bunyan CLI
  - Standard - Human readable stdout logs
  - Common - Logs that adhere to the Common Log Format
- Everything is customizable and configurable

- Tools for caching, filtering, and recalling logs

- Support for creating log threads to track data across multiple scopes

- Convenient child logger API's

If you look at the readme you'll see adze is 8kb bundled and gzipped. It's ESM so it has tree-shaking support. It's tiny. The Vue dependency is for the docs.

  • SahAssar 3 days ago

    Install size is 38MB and was 94MB until you moved vuepress-plugin-search-pro to devDependencies (I'm guessing because of my comment?) so even though it might be treeshook to a small size install size is still quite a bit larger to install.

    • ajstacy06 18 hours ago

      Yes, that dependency was there by mistake and has been moved to devDependencies in 2.0.11