Comment by tschellenbach

Comment by tschellenbach 4 days ago

8 replies

I don't like this us vs them mentality. Nothing stops you from starting your own business and being on the "manager" side of things.

Cost of capital is up, productivity is down. So all companies have to work through options to increase productivity, and/or reduce costs. Companies will take different approaches to this

ipaddr 4 days ago

Money/capital stops the worker in general or do you expect the average worker to be able to buy the firm they are working for now because wages are that good?

YokoZar 4 days ago

Productivity growth may be slowing, but it is not "down" in general. It's the highest it's ever been.

Is there a specific reason to believe Amazon would have less productivity than the rest of the economy compared with before?

mupuff1234 4 days ago

An easy way for "them" to stop that mentality would be to take a pay cut and show solidarity in cutting costs, and yet I don't really see that happening.

nateglims 4 days ago

Is productivity down? It seems like it's just growing slower than pre global financial crisis.

consteval 3 days ago

> Nothing stops you...

No, lots of things stop you. You can't just say "nothing stops you" and pretend it's true and work from there. Obviously, lots of things stop you otherwise everyone would do it.

pydry 4 days ago

This idea needs to die.

Gone are the days when you can start the next google in your garage. You need capital to compete.

  • outside1234 4 days ago

    And lots of capital.

    Not even Elon Musk has enough in AI for example.