Comment by jandrese

Comment by jandrese 4 days ago

3 replies

It's a little vague what the "6 chips" would have been. CPU obviously. Probably some southbridge equivalent, but then what? A NIC? Was Intel going to supply the graphics chip too? That would have been a real turnaround for their GPU division.

bhouston 4 days ago

There wasn't 6 chips. I believe it refers to "PlayStation 6", the version that comes after "PlayStation 5".

I think the main thing Intel was competing for was CPU + GPU given they have the new Xe graphics architecture which is decent. But I guess they could have just gone after the CPU with NVIDIA likely then supplying the GPU as they did in the first Xbox.

  • jandrese 4 days ago

    Oh derp. You are right. I totally misread that.

  • deelowe 4 days ago

    I bet Intels hubris is too strong to allow them to do that these days.