Comment by austin-cheney

Comment by austin-cheney 4 days ago

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I never said any of this is bad. I said it is completely unnecessary. Those are different. I also said the blind reliance on that unnecessary stuff is foolish. Like you said it is all about convenience, which is exceedingly shallow and faulty.

> They specifically add expressiveness

Not really. Expressiveness is the ability to achieve the same end state in different ways. How do you then determine that? You have to count the different ways a given thing is achieved. Under the abstraction if its doing the same thing in the same way as something else then its not really different, and thus not expressive. That is why these large SPA frameworks have wildly different super large APIs, but their output is strikingly similar, which isn't expressive at all. Really, with these tools none of that matters, because its really just about the perceptions of convenience.