Comment by hughesjj

Comment by hughesjj 4 days ago

2 replies

If you can take it, PTO was one of the better parts at Amazon if you were tenured. I think it was

- 4 weeks (20 days) of PTO if you were there for 6 years or more, plus

- 6 "personal" days

- in Seattle at least, 3 sick days

Holidays were pretty bad (I don't think MLK jr day was a holiday until like 2021), but personally I'd rather be able to chose my own time off than have random enforced "rest days/development days" and enforced week long vacations when all the hotels and flights are full or pricey and traffic is terrible.

Come to think of it, some of my best work was done in the quiet times of Christmas/New Years when everyone else was gone and I was thus left without distractions. Lots of fun prototyping and project bootstrapping memories.

rebeccaskinner 4 days ago

4 weeks after 6 years seems absurdly bad to me. The last job I had with fixed PTO had unlimited sick time plus 20 days per year of vacation starting (pro-rated) on your first day, and most places I’ve worked in the last decade have had “unlimited” PTO, which typically works out to around 6 weeks of vacation time plus unlimited sick time.

BeetleB 4 days ago

Ah, not so bad then. Still a bit worse than where I'm at, though.

For me, 4 weeks is too good to lose. I'd go to Amazon only if I can't find another company to give me at least as much immediately.