Comment by adpirz

Comment by adpirz 4 days ago

3 replies

I think this is heavily life-and-career-stage dependent IMO.

If you're young, early career, and don't have dependents, you should absolutely prioritize in-office.

Otherwise, the calculus varies.

indoordin0saur 4 days ago

Yes. I'm in my 30s now but I can't imagine having started my career out of college with a full time remote position. But quick feedback from mentors and osmosis won't work if senior engineers are all remote.

matwood 4 days ago

Bingo. I'm a big WFH person, but I'm old and have all those other things now. A young person just starting out should absolutely try to be in the main office every day.

billy99k 4 days ago

I've worked remotely for around 12 years and love it (it's even better now that I have kids) I had a good 10 years in the office, when I was starting out.