Comment by bornfreddy

Comment by bornfreddy 4 days ago

2 replies

I recently discovered Paisa, which is basically a nice UI over ledger-cli. Import is very convenient. You upload csv (or similar), see the preview, then write a script which converts each row into ledger text format. There is linting and everything. When you like the result, just save the script so you can import again anytime. It also supports downloading commodity prices if you use it to track stocks and similar.

Charts are not generic enough for my taste so I'm exporting data elsewhere, but for data entry it is great.

c6p 3 days ago

Yes, charts are not generic enough for me too.

I like Paisa's ledger file editor, though other parts not working in my country, I'm fetching prices with a python script.

I wish its editor seperated into a library to be included in personal projects.

po 3 days ago

yeah I looked at that too... and that aspect is useful.

However, I'm not really looking for a layer on top of ledger as much as I'm looking for a configurable web-scraping system (using the local password manager) that can be run to get the csv/pdf/etc.. files needed to create the ledger.