Comment by red-iron-pine

Comment by red-iron-pine 4 days ago

2 replies

> But all that said; Amazon isn't for everyone. It's probably not for most people. I don't mean that in the "Amazon only hires the best" sense. That's true, but so do the other big tech companies. It's more that you have to be a particular combination of driven and outcome focused with a relentless tolerance or even insatiable need for urgency, hard work, and trade-offs.

aka "its a wall to wall hustle that will never get better, and when it comes to trade-offs, you're the one making them"

ryandrake 4 days ago

Yea, words like "driven" and "relentless" and "urgency" betray the reality: It's probably a pressure cooker with constant, needless hustle and urgency. Agree with OP: It's not what most people are looking for out of their work.

HDThoreaun 4 days ago

I mean I know a few people who seriously do want that type of culture. They want to work 60+ hours a week and they want colleagues who arent to be punished. Amazon is a good fit for those types.