JonChesterfield 4 days ago

To whatever companies will be top of the pile in a decade or two, after Google and Amazon have gone the way of IBM. Some of those will be founded by engineers who left the current FAANG setup and managed to not copy the insane parts of their previous org.

  • metadaemon 4 days ago

    There's a life and death cycle even for companies and its important to remember that. Leaving and starting somewhere fresh seems natural.

grumple 4 days ago

There are plenty of high paying companies that aren't FAANG and aren't in the bay area. I work at one. A small software company owned by a huge non-tech megacorp. Zero people have left my dev team in the past 4 years.

alistairSH 3 days ago

Depends how badly you want the "big bucks". Non-FAANG software jobs still pay good money. Maybe not "I own a yacht" money, but definitely "I own two new cars and a 5 bedroom house" money.

  • mitthrowaway2 3 days ago

    10 years into my non-FAANG career and I own a basement suite and a bicycle. Any tips for better-paying non-FAANG companies I might look into?

    • alistairSH 3 days ago

      Hard to say without a lot more detail on location and specialization. All I know is software engineering in DC metro pays well enough to live comfortably. If you’re working a .gov contract on a TS/poly, even better.

yodsanklai 4 days ago

Are blockchain startups still a thing?

  • baq 4 days ago

    yes, if they can embed an LLM in it. otherwise, no.