Comment by nextworddev

Comment by nextworddev 4 days ago

5 replies

"Everyone I know at Amazon is over-worked and stressed out" is the biggest myth.

Practically the majority of middle management I knew at AMZN didn't do anything.

Source: ex-AWS

codingwagie 4 days ago

Managers at Amazon just enforce dates and identify the underperformer on their team.

  • DiggyJohnson 3 days ago

    That... doesn't strike me as the the worst activities for management to work.

artyom 3 days ago

This is true. Not only management, but a bunch of the so-called SDEs that are only there to say "we're investigating" every time there's an issue while they all wait for the guy who knows the system to wake up in his timezone.

There's people that's overworked and stressed out, tho, but those are the minority that do the actual work. I'd say it's an 1 out of 10 ratio at best, being conservative.

This is all because every single project is scoped, designed and implemented with the only goal in mind: your own promotion. Same applies for hires, you don't hire roles, you hire _the structure you need to be promoted_.

Source: same.

  • [removed] 2 days ago
harshaw 4 days ago

maybe. In my case my big project was cancelled and my engineers borrowed to work on an away team. So yeah, not super productive after that. But other times it was very busy and rewarding.