Comment by strivingtobe

Comment by strivingtobe 4 days ago

2 replies

They have repeatedly tried to remove the free coffee perk (usually by claiming that it was only intended as a temporary thing and will be removed at the end of the year) and the only reason it has been retained this far is because for multiple years running now there was an internal uproar about it.

I suspect at the end of this year they will fully remove it, uproar be damned.

0cf8612b2e1e 4 days ago

That’s so hilariously petty. As if management was not already dictating who is in charge.

Can you bring your own cup? Get the Big Gulp 4 liter thermos every day.

rty32 4 days ago

That's surprising -- I would think it is obvious Amazon doesn't care about internal uproars, and there is nothing people can do about it. Otherwise the current 3 day RTO wouldn't have happened.