Comment by tourmalinetaco

Comment by tourmalinetaco 4 days ago

4 replies

Amazon pays well, but will work you like a dog. My wife worked as a WHS specialist, and really enjoyed her team starting out. However over time they all got weary of the workload and left. Insolent managers, incapable and sometimes even unintelligible workers (it got so bad they started posting signs in two languages), and a mounting focus on speed over safety completely burnt out their facility’s entire safety team. Only one remains from her OG team, and she‘s looking for her chance to jump ship too. Now my wife is much happier working in an insurance field, even despite the pay cut.

elevatedastalt 4 days ago

> Amazon pays well, but will work you like a dog.

Ironically dogs live pretty royal lives in America.

  • hypothesis 4 days ago

    Until they don’t.

    “The Department of Justice estimates that American police officers shoot 10,000 pet dogs in the line of duty each year.”

    • tourmalinetaco 4 days ago

      Looking for another set of statistics (ATF specifically, as they also love killing animals) led me to this website:

      It’s sad enough that we’ve armed, trained, and funded a militant force with no care for the wellbeing of the people they are meant to protect, regularly abusing their power to harm people for their sick pleasure. The fact that we’ve also trained this near-terrorist organization to kill dogs for the sport of it is even more disappointing. I’m all for the existence of a police, of course, but we need a serious mass-firing and restructure.

stackedinserter 3 days ago

Gosh, I work like a dog and pretty much own the whole company codebase, but probably for 30% of AMZN money.