Comment by benjiweber

Comment by benjiweber 4 days ago

6 replies

The irony of setting up a '“Bureaucracy Mailbox” for any examples any of you see where we might have bureaucracy' while announcing an edict enforced by centralised control to replace autonomous decision making about where & how to work.

goostavos 4 days ago

This is not the first "we're starting a committee to figure out what to do about there being too many committees" I've seen in my ~7 years here. Makes me laugh every time.

  • lesuorac 4 days ago

    The best is when the top issues the committee finds outlast the committee.

zeptian 4 days ago

this memo is one for the ages. filled with management speak.

  • dbish 4 days ago

    Well the current CEO is an MBA. Post founder, MBA days morph into this

abraae 4 days ago

A long time ago I joined Deloitte to set up a local software dev. practice.

A few days in I was invited to join a "bureaucracy reduction taskforce". Someone handed me a literally 12 inch thick stack of paper I was meant to read up on before the first meeting. I gave my regrets and withdrew from the taskforce (there were no repercussions - apparently a few others had noped out as well).

  • DonsDiscountGas 4 days ago

    I choose to believe that was a strategy. Invite everybody so they feel included, weed out almost everybody so it's a small group and can maybe get something done