Comment by dymk

Comment by dymk 4 days ago

3 replies

Google and Meta have thousands of SWEs and multiple buildings up here, I don't know if I'd call that a smaller presence. Smaller than the bay area, sure, but still a major employer.

tdeck 4 days ago

I agree with you that they're not small in absolute terms, but I think these offices wouldn't make the mental list of top 4 tech employers in the Bay Area, and there's a very steep drop off after that. Maybe it would be better to say it feels like there are 4 big employers and almost nothing after that. All of this is hard to research - I tried doing some googling for numbers to validate my gut feeling but I wasn't sure how reliable they are.

  • kenjackson 4 days ago

    Seattle metro is also a lot smaller than Bay Area metro -- and the Bay is probably the densest of all tech areas.

    That said, Seattle does also have a good collection of "minor" companies, such as PACCAR, Expedia, Zillow, Tableau, F5. And I think Apple also has an office in Seattle (although probably really small).

    Unless you want to work for one of the "brands", there are some good choices in Seattle.

    • eitally 4 days ago

      Yeah, for sure. After all, it's a Tier 1 city in the United States. It's just different in the Bay, but it's different than anywhere else in the world.