Comment by Clent

Comment by Clent 4 days ago

7 replies

Look at how well you're being treated now without a union. Look at how well union workers are treated versus their no union worker equivalents. Imagine how much better you'd be treated if there was a union versus your current no union status.

Lord_Zero 4 days ago

Allowing people to work from home, and then yanking that back even after studies prove happier workers and better productivity is mistreatment in my opinion. Especially when it's malicious and arbitrary when they do it in hopes that you will quit. Our quality of life plummets when we're dragged away from our families and forced into long shitty commutes to sit on zoom in a cubicle all day.

morgante 4 days ago

There are some unionized tech workers.

I would never want their jobs over mine.

SpicyLemonZest 4 days ago

I'm pretty confident that the vast majority of union workers are expected to work from their employer's business premises. Workers should unionize if they're being mistreated, but it's not a magic wand that means I can get whatever working conditions I'd like.

  • hughesjj 4 days ago

    How many professional unions are for jobs that can be done from home in the first place?

    I don't think teachers, cops, sanitation workers, or iron workers can realistically do their jobs at home

  • ketzo 4 days ago

    US government agencies still have some of the lowest RTO rates in the country (compared to other employers) precisely because of federal employee unions.

  • nxobject 4 days ago

    I don't understand why this has been so downvoted – although it might be true for now, there's a deeper truth that it's true that any union benefit has to be fought for and constantly defended between negotiations. (Which is why unions usually have legislative and political advocacy arms to codify these benefits – so they don't have to waste barganing power on them.)