Comment by Eric_WVGG

Comment by Eric_WVGG 4 days ago

8 replies

Any chance that you'd be interested in open-sourcing that app?

A very long time ago, I got the impression that sleeping on your back is healthy, and successfully "trained" myself into the practice… now I'm trying desperately to untrain the habit 9_9

gmiller123456 4 days ago

I have sleep apnea and specifically asked my doctor if there was a best or better sleeping position, and she said no. I find laying on my back causes the least interference with the mask, but I've yet to manage to actually sleep on my back yet, been trying for like 3 years now.

bhelkey 4 days ago

If they open source it but the app isn't allowed on the app store, how will anyone install it?

  • post-it 4 days ago

    If they're on Mac, they can import it into XCode and install it as a development app.

  • freehorse 4 days ago

    In my understanding it can be allowed as long as they do not market it as medical app?

  • slowmotiony 3 days ago

    We've been sideloading iOS apps for years without any issues. You can use Xcode, or sideloadly, or altstore, or like a hundred other ways.

freehorse 4 days ago

It is healthy, unless you have sleep apnea or snore a lot.