Comment by WalterSear

Comment by WalterSear 4 days ago

2 replies

Apparently Amazon agrees with your friend, at least as far as warehouse workers go.

> Amazon is facing a looming crisis: It could run out of people to hire in its US warehouses by 2024, according to leaked Amazon internal research from mid-2021...

> In the past, that churn wasn’t a problem for Amazon — it was even desirable at some points. Amazon founder and former CEO Jeff Bezos saw his warehouse workforce as necessary but replaceable, and feared that workers who remained at the company too long would turn complacent or, worse, disgruntled...

SoftTalker 4 days ago

They will automate their way out of the warehouse worker problem. The only reason they still employ human workers is that they are still cheaper than robots for some tasks.

aurizon 4 days ago

Amazon steadily promotes packaging standards that create standard boxes/packs amenable to fast robo read/sort/grip/handle, so they are looking to this.