Comment by elric

Comment by elric 4 days ago

0 replies

Followup sucks in most part of the world, unfortunately, which leads to awful compliance.

Best thing to do is install Oscar [1], take screenshots of your data, and post it to Apnea Board [2]. The folks there will likely be able to offer some solid advice.

Without knowing anything about you or your data, all of this speculation, but: APAP sucks, it is always too slow to respond, it won't know to increase the pressure until after you needed more pressure. This is especially true for wide ranges which are often the default (like 5-20cm). If you need 15cm, it will take forever to get there, because you'll start at 5, start to drift off, get an apnea, the machine will increase the pressure, you'll wake up ever so slightly from the apnea, the machine will decrease the pressure because now you're breathing fine, and the cycle will continue.

[1] [2]