Comment by pelagic_sky

Comment by pelagic_sky 4 days ago

6 replies

I see Mayor Bruce Harrell rubbing his hands together as he slowly nods in approval of all this.

Hopefully where I work doesn't try to pull this off. At least my manager would not like it one bit seeing as their commute is already 50 min one way 2 to 3 times a week. But who am I kidding, it will probably happen and then I get to sit on video calls in the office with all the people I collaborate with across the states and europe.

wwarner 4 days ago

well, without people working downtown, it will be abandoned to drug addicts in a spiral of insufficient public safety resources and declining revenue. so i don’t blame him.

  • stefan_ 4 days ago

    At least then you might get a mayor that works for the people living downtown than whatever suburbanites swarm it on work days.

    • wwarner 3 days ago

      This comment cracked me up. I do live in downtown Seattle.

  • hiddencost 4 days ago

    Or maybe all of the ridiculous pressure from sky high salaries and no affordable housing led to the homeless population...

    • rendang 4 days ago

      There's lots of "affordable housing" aka Byzantine subsidy schemes here in Seattle. What there isn't is consistent enforcement against encampments, littering, and shoplifting

    • [removed] 3 days ago