CarpaDorada 3 days ago

Section 3 in the whitepaper <> describes how it is done: (1) they restrict themselves to a possible-to-reason subset of C (that they have a parser in Isabelle for), and implement a kernel and prove the implementation is formally correct, and (2) to avoid compiler/kernel bugs of host & trojan horses, they verify the compiled/linked output as well.

Their Figure 3.2 shows how this is done: each transformation into the "Graph Language" nodes is proven formally correct. They need two proofs because the binary is automatically proven correct, i.e. what they prove is that their formalized binary is equivalent to the original binary using a HOL4 disassembler, without knowing what sort of binary they have at their hands. On the C side, they preserve semantics while proving the program correct (manually, i.e. they wrote the proofs themselves), and then they prove the two are equivalent, again automatically, using SMT solvers and throwing small chunks of data at it.

As they explain, proving the two "Graph Language" representations to be equivalent semantically is, in general, undecidable like the halting problem. However, they get away with it because the C compiler is not too wild in its output.