snapcaster 4 days ago

Do you think they have metrics showing the opposite? or just nobody even wants to look into it since leadership wants it badly?

  • surgical_fire 4 days ago

    If they had metrics they would not hesitate to show them, parading those in front of employees like a victory banner.

    Amazon does stack ranking, they are not really concerned with sensitivity anything.

    They have no metrics. Metrics are for the underclass. The Leadership decides based on what they want.

  • bediger4000 4 days ago

    Nobody looks into it because leadership wants to assert dominance. If some top floor, corner office, personal assistant type of person wants to see people suffering, they get to see people suffering. Cubicles, hot desking, howling ventilation and all. Commutes don't matter - the CXO might even have a driver.

  • karmakurtisaani 4 days ago

    No one has metrics on anything. High performers perform well at home and in the office, but if they prefer home they'll jump ship as soon as there's an opportunity. Low performers perform badly at home and in the office, but will cling in to their position as long as possible.