Comment by tivert

Comment by tivert 4 days ago

2 replies

> There is always more meat for the grinder. You either prefer the environment, or believe you have no better option.

Amazon is the only FAANG that regularly reaches out to me with recruiting spam, and I am not located in a sexy tech hub nor do I have an on-trend resume. I've never responded, but I imagine their recruiting pipline counts on a combination of prestige and ignorance.

toastedwedge 4 days ago

Apologies for the side question here, but what is an "on-trend" resume? This is the first time (in general, on/off HN) I've seen that particular phrase.

  • jaggederest 4 days ago

    These days that means AI, a few years ago it was crypto, python data science, or React, before that it might have been a server framework or angular.

    Just whatever is considered hot.