Comment by Bluecobra

Comment by Bluecobra 4 days ago

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> Can Apple do something about eliminating all these bureaucratic barriers that hurt the health of so many?

I sure hope so, because my experiences with sleep apnea made it seemed very quack-ish. I keep on hearing ads on the radio by a company called ADVENT with a catchy jingle promising that surgery is the solution to snoring. At the time I had my study (2013) I did not have an in-home test and had a sleep test (which was an awful experience). I was prescribed a Phillips CPAP machine and was very good about adhering to it and keeping up with regular doctor visits. During the 3 years I had it, I lost a significant amount of weight and each time my doctor re-programmed my CPAP SD card so it was a lower and lower setting. I always had very little face time with the doctor, I wish I knew about Sleepyhead earlier as I could have done this myself. The practice I was referred to would always try to sell me stuff like new masks, tubes, etc. when everything I had was in good condition and frequently cleaned. I even used distilled water in the CPAP itself. Eventually I went on a long vacation and didn't bring my machine and been off it since. I'm glad I did, it turns out Phillips was negligent about foam breaking down in their CPAP machines and even the replacement devices have this issue as well. At this point I don't know who to trust, and with something with Apple's name on it would give to some more legitimacy.