Comment by jmclnx

Comment by jmclnx 4 days ago

3 replies

I wonder if there are any exemptions. But I am sure the best talent can easilly find work at Microsoft, Oracle and or IBM without any issues.

mywittyname 4 days ago

The job market is tough out there for SDEs. Granted, I'm not top-tier talent by any means, but this past year I interviewed for like 10x as many jobs as I did in my previous 15 years of working with no luck. I even get ghosted by recruiters that reached out to me first.

So, I have my doubts about easily for most people, even at these places.

yodsanklai 4 days ago

For the same level of compensation? near their home? do these company offer remote/hybrid position to new joiners? do they even hire at the moment?

bravetraveler 3 days ago

Avoid businesses this large, they mimic each other/get the rough end of politics. Trading one ham-fisted set of policies for another

You know how cities or even states try to compete for employer offices/headquarters? This is the other side of that.