Comment by outworlder

Comment by outworlder 4 days ago

7 replies

Yes, although untreated sleep apnea is dangerous and you shouldn't rely on this if you suspect you have it. It may make it better but you may still be starving your tissues of oxygen.

fahrnfahrnfahrn 4 days ago

I have sleep apnea that I treat with a BiPAP machine. The neurologist who manages it said that everybody has sleep apnea to some degree, and, as a matter of fact, with my BiPAP machine, I have fewer episodes than the average person.

  • op00to 4 days ago

    Starting CPAP tonight. Wish me luck!

    • dotancohen 3 days ago

      How did you sleep?

      • op00to a day ago

        Just fine. It was a total non-issue! I slept fine before, but now I’m not gonna give myself a stroke or heart attack.

jfengel 4 days ago

Conversely, for my case:

I was told that my sleep apnea didn't rise to the level of a medical condition needing intervention, but I should try to avoid sleeping on my back to help with the problems that do present.