Comment by eitally

Comment by eitally 4 days ago

1 reply

The difference is that you don't need to do it every day. On the one hand, it's pretty easy to "multitask", like charging while while brushing/flossing, shaving, etc. But it's certainly much easier to not have to think about charging it at all in the evening basically ever, which is the joy that Garmin users have.

I currently have an Epix Pro and I use it to track a 45-90min workout about 6 days a week. I also have it set to "most accurate" (GPS + Galileo + GNSS) positioning and to sample blood oxygen all day rather than just at night, so it's getting quite a battery workout for a non-ultra-endurance-athlete user. When I opened this thread I decided it was a good time to charge it, since I'm in a work call anyway, and it was only at 53% after about a week since the last charge. I'll have it plugged in for 20-3min and it'll probably be around 90% when I put it back on after the meeting, and I'll find some other convenient time next week... but not until next week.

cruano 4 days ago

See you say that but I know if I had 5-day battery I'll keep forgetting about it. Happens with my airpods all the time.

But Apple Watch is part of my routine, same as with the iPhone.