Comment by NoMoreNicksLeft

Comment by NoMoreNicksLeft 4 days ago

6 replies

> There's an idea that modern lives demand value in material terms. All lives demand value in caloric or reproductive terms. Economics teaches us that most commodities are fungible. If you receive material value, this can be exchanged for caloric or reproductive value. Thus, modern (and non-modern) lives demand value in material terms. This isn't a philosophy, it's just a fact.

It may tasteless to you, but most people are just trying to achieve those material terms as efficiently as possible.

wizzwizz4 4 days ago

What happens when I already have all the calorific or reproductive value I need? Endlessly seeking more isn't a fact.

  • NoMoreNicksLeft 4 days ago

    > What happens when I already have all the calorific or reproductive value I need?

    How would you even determine how much you need? You labor under the illusion that you're an intelligent being. Evolution does not care about "enough"... because there is no way to determine what "enough" is. What is enough today will not help you survive tomorrow's famine. Best stock up now. If you were so smart, you'd get that. What others call greed is subconscious anticipation of calamity.

    • wizzwizz4 4 days ago

      Evolution has not solved the principal-agent problem.

      > What is enough today will not help you survive tomorrow's famine.

      Tomorrow's famine will be caused by you (read: those behaving as you describe) not knowing when enough is enough. Best preserve what we have, rather than waste it all in a frantic bid for number-goes-up.

      • NoMoreNicksLeft 3 days ago

        > Tomorrow's famine will be caused by you

        Possibly. Or maybe it will happen anyway.

        > (read: those behaving as you describe)

        That's mostly leftist moralizing on your part.