Comment by benterix

Comment by benterix 4 days ago

5 replies

I don't believe they can actually do anything about it as this "culture" comes from the very top.

I remember a few years ago an Amazon worker died in the workplace and his supervisor watched him die instead of helping him because "these were the rules" (see the related HN thread[0]). You can imagine what kind of place that is.


alex_lav 4 days ago

> I don't believe they can actually do anything about it as this "culture" comes from the very top.

The employee can do something about it by leaving.

ahahahahah 4 days ago

warehouse is very different than corporate. also "watched him die instead of helping him" is a lie. More correct would be "the supervisor walked him to medical staff instead of calling medical staff".

  • benterix 4 days ago

    > also "watched him die instead of helping him" is a lie. More correct would be "the supervisor walked him to medical staff instead of calling medical staff".

    The worker, who previously was asking for help and was refused any, reports a stabbing pain in the chest and ask to a doctor. He already walked to his manager a long distance and can not walk any more. The manager refuses to call a doctor and says he can walk with the worker to the doctor but doesn't help him in any way like giving a hand. So the worker tries to do his best, is walking slower and slower trying to catch his breath, and finally dies.