Comment by Theodores

Comment by Theodores 3 days ago

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I hear what you are saying, however, the vast majority of toxins that enter our bodies come through our mouths and out of choice. Some of these toxins, such as alcohol, cigarettes or processed meats are known to be carcinogens.

There is a very different level of dosage involved, that one cosmic ray from outer space that one time is vastly outnumbered by the trillions upon trillions of atoms that could be carcinogenic that come through the mouth, typically on a daily basis, for decades.

The body is pretty good at taking out the trash, including the mutant cells that did not reproduce properly. This goes on all the time. One cosmic ray from outer space might scramble some DNA but your body can deal with that as an isolated incident, the mutated cell(s) just get taken out with the trash.

If you overwhelm this system with too much garbage for the body to deal with then that is a causative factor that was not controlled.

It is helpful to see things this way because it enables a sense of perspective. It is not going to be 'forever chemicals', 'insecticides' or anything like that, you need to worry about. What goes in the mouth rather is what counts rather than these theoretical other things.

This means taking seriously what research in cancer, diabetes and other disease has to say. For cancer there is clear advice on what to avoid, same with diabetes and much else nobody would wish on anyone. It is defeatist to be in denial about this to assume that random cosmic rays play as much a part as the garbage we willingly consume when it comes down to it.