Comment by nyrikki

Comment by nyrikki 4 days ago

3 replies

People want it on their resume and money.

While I knew RTO was coming, the way that it has been implemented is going to cause some huge issues that I wonder how companies are going to move forward.

Disengagement was bad pre-pandemic and how these RTOs were handled industry wide have resulted in a lot of delegating upward.

Not sure if that culture shift will impact their recruiting efforts or if they will address it before that happens.

Perhaps it being industry wide will mitigate he impact for Amazon. Losing their scaling properties would be disaster for them compared to many.

But working there has been more of a stepping stone than a career for a long time for many people.

sbrother 4 days ago

Amazon's value proposition to potential employees is basically that it's the easiest way to break into big tech. It's an awful place to work but they hire people who can't get into to other FAANGs, pay them more than they would make outside of big tech, and give them an onramp into better employment situations after they put in 1+ years at Amazon.

Spartan-S63 4 days ago

What do you mean by delegating upward?

  • soniclettuce 4 days ago

    I'm not them but I suspect they mean a kind of "above my paygrade/not my problem" tendency. You can defer almost indefinitely (or make other people do it for you) a lot complicated work with phrases like "we need senior/staff buy-in on the design", "I think we need XYZ team on board/cross-team management approval", "maybe the cloud platform team should be building this, not us?", "I told the architect our requirements and they'll get back to us once they makes a design".

    i.e. stop using your own brain and tell the people above you they need to make the hard decisions. Especially because so many decisions technically have impacts beyond your own team, its hard for people to push back on such behaviour.